加拿大帝国商业银行(Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,简称CIBC)目前市值为526亿美元,市盈率为10.4倍。根据最新的SEC文件显示,该行宣布了重要的高层领导交接计划。现任总裁兼首席执行官Victor Dodig将于2025年10月31日退休。Harry ...
Victor Dodig, the chief executive of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), will retire in October after more than a ...
CIBC says its president and chief executive Victor Dodig is set to retire this fall and will be succeeded by Harry Culham, ...
Culham will become chief operating officer April 1, then succeed Dodig as CEO on Oct. 31, the bank’s fiscal year-end ...
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian lender CIBC on Thursday named capital markets head Harry Culham as its next CEO, replacing ...
【星岛都市网】卑诗一名女子今年情人节(2月14日)收到一份惊吓“礼物”,有人竟能未经她允许,用她的加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)账户办理按揭,并加上了她的名字。 据Global News报道,这位名叫利奥(Hailey Leo)的卑诗兰里市居民近日告诉Global News消费节目“Consumer Matters”:“我感到很困惑,你居然可以在一个完全不同的省份办理按揭,而且甚至人都不在场。” ...
策略师Ian de Verteuil和Will Stevenson在给投资者的报告中表示,股票市场“非常脆弱”,很容易出现回调,“虽然美国的经济数据仍然合理,放松管制的努力也是利好,但即便是美国企业也面临的巨大不确定性,投资者有理由保持谨慎。” ...
CIBC says its president and chief executive Victor Dodig is set to retire this fall and will be succeeded by Harry Culham, ...
CEOs of Canadian banks tend to retire after a decade and Dodig is the second Big Six CEO to retire this year, following Toronto-Dominion Bank’s Bharat Masrani, who left his post in February. Royal ...
Dodig, who has led the Canadian bank since 2014, will be succeeded by Harry Culham, CIBC's head of capital markets.
TORONTO - CIBC president and chief executive Victor Dodig will retire this fall, leaving behind a bank stronger than the one ...