Early in the development of chloramphenicol toxicity, vacuoles appear in the erythroid and myeloid precursors of the bone marrow. 1–4 The relation of these early, reversible lesions to later ...
Castruccio Castracani and his team developed a lentiviral vector that activated the human ALAS2 gene in erythroid cells, or cells that serve as precursors to normal red blood cells. They found ...
Higher EPO and HIF lead to the secretion of ERFE from erythroid precursor cells, which attenuates the BMP6 signaling cascade via GDF15/TWSG1. In the absence of BMP6, TMPRSS6 binds to ALK2 ...
In this study, we demonstrated that insufficient erythropoiesis in an immunocompetent acute myeloid leukemia (AML) murine model was due to reduced proliferation of megakaryocyte erythroid ...