When the monkeys were single-celled embryos, scientists had used CRISPR editing tools to silence, or “knock out”, a gene that helps regulate the body’s internal clock. Its disruption is ...
Building a gene editor took months. With CRISPR even high-schoolers can get hold of editing systems in the time it takes to order RNA sequences online and have them shipped by FedEx. In a short ...
Scientists suggest genetics played a big role – and they say the evolution of this singular ability was key to our survival. A new study links a particular gene to the ancient origins of spoken ...
A new study suggests that the NOVA1 gene may have been a key player in the evolution of human language. By Carl Zimmer Scientists have long struggled to understand how human language evolved.
Mice carrying a gene variant present in nearly every human on Earth — but not in extinct relatives including Neanderthals — produce more-complex chirps than normal rodents do 1. The finding ...
BEIJING, Feb 14 (Reuters) - China issued guidelines on Friday to promote biotech cultivation, focusing on gene-editing tools and developing new wheat, corn, and soybean varieties, as part of ...