To browse through all the repositories of a specific GitHub user and clone them into a specific folder, we can use the GitHub API to list the repositories, handle pagination, and then clone each ...
GitHub Cloner is a Ruby script to automate cloning all repositories from your GitHub account. It supports both public and private repositories, with a configurable clone path.
Managing dotfiles with git can save time and provide a robust backup option. Storing dotfiles in a version control system ...
PrivateGPT is a really useful new project that you’ll find useful. You can load your private text files, PDF documents, powerpoint and use the power of Ai to interact with those documents. You need a ...
The best disk cloning software is one of the easiest ways to make a backup, or 'clone', of your solid state or hard disk drives, allowing you to restore all your files in the event of a corruption ...
在人工智能行业大步前进的今天,开源项目又一次成为技术创新的重要推手。随着大规模语言模型(LLM)的迅速崛起,.Net生态中的开发者们也在不断探索,推出了多个重磅项目,帮助企业和开发者更好地融入智能科技的浪潮。近日,众多开发者热议的开源项目之一便是Bo ...
今天你摄入了多少科技知识?听说过Bolt DIY吗?绝对会让你惊叹不已——它就像个全能的智能AI助手,可以在你的浏览器中帮你轻松编写全栈应用程序。而最不可思议的是,它是完全免费的,灵活性也是超强,简直就是开发者的理想选择!
Wino Mail is a clone of Mail & Calendar that does a good job replicating the now inoperable email app from Microsoft.
春节的时间越来越近了,微信公众号又到了年度总结的时候。虽然今年我写文章并不多,但是还是坚持创作了12个月。微信也因此给我奖励了几千个红包封面。恰巧今年AI视频生成技术这么火爆,因此想着能不能直接用AI生成一个好看的微信红包封面呢?下面就是我制作的一个 ...
Cosmos tackles one of the hardest challenges in AI today because making robots and autonomous vehicles smarter requires a ton ...