HONG KONG, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Starting today, PhotonPay, a digital financial infrastructure, will support Google Pay, enabling cardholders to take advantage of simple and secure ...
The "Fraud University" features experts from HSBC and global tech companies such as Google Hong Kong, LinkedIn, and Meta. They will collaborate to conduct workshops that instruct "students" on how ...
Asia market update: HK/CN equities lead falls amid further poor China data; Currency volatility - No specific drivers seen, potentially New year/New quarter / New month flows. - Hang Seng under ...
pubg国际服官网充值入口给大家贴在下方了,港区充值不享受充值优惠,大额充值也是相同的比例,对于想要直充的小伙伴来说不太划算,为大家推荐一个正版的特惠直充通道,ID直充24小时自助下单,3分钟内极速到账,操作更加简单,充值最多能比官网便宜三分之一,有 ...
Almost 10 per cent of workers clicked on a fake human resources department survey, a test involving 37,220 employees found.
Hong Kong has a free market economy, highly dependent on international trade and finance - the value of goods and services trade, including the sizable share of reexports, is about four times GDP.
At a Filmart panel in 2023, someone asked director Jack Ng if Hong Kong cinema was all set for a renaissance. Ng's A Guilty Conscience was the locally produced box-office champion at the time ...
近日,Sensor Tower公布2024年中国手游出海收入榜与发行商收入榜,其亚太地区分析师 Rui Ma表示, Sensor Tower数据显示,随着手游市场回调的结束,2024年全球手游收入反弹4%至809亿美元,重返上升通道。 海外市场App Store和Google ...
Rohingya atrocity survivor, Maung Sawyeddollah, filed a complaint with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Meta for its alleged role in promoting the spread of content inciting ...
智通财经注意到,随着AI搜索领域的竞争持续升温,人工智能初创公司Perplexity周四在其安卓应用程序上推出了名为 Perplexity Assistant 的人工智能助手。 AI助手的作用类似于人工智能代理,可以帮助完成日常任务、执行搜索和推理,可以访问互联网。它也是多模式的,用户可以告诉助手打开智能手机的摄像头,并询问摄像头视野内或屏幕上的内容。