HEPA NSW Inc marked International Women's Day with a special event honouring 190 years of Hellenic women's contributions to ...
The Ptolemaic Dynasty, established by the Macedonian Greek general Ptolemy I Soter, ruled Egypt for almost three centuries.
Women in Germany experience a significant 20% drop in income from employment after marriage due to reduced working hours or complete withdrawal from the workforce, while men's earnings remain ...
Greek and Roman religion venerated one plurality of gods, heroesbut also personifications of abstract concepts. The ancient ...
A new study by the Munich economic institute Ifo and the University of Oslo found that women's incomes drop by an average of 20 percent after marriage, primarily due to reduced working hours or ...
My exasperation stemmed from an Instagram reel where lyricist and screenwriter Javed Akhtar spoke about the expectations placed on women before and after marriage. This is 2025. Today’s women are self ...
John is the Chief Editor and Founder of Bubbleblabber.com. While at first a part-time project, Bubbleblabber quickly grew into a full-fledged operation and officially became a company in 2014. When ...
Hundreds of thousands of women participated in rallies around the world on Saturday to commemorate International Women’s Day ...
How Christianity blurred the line between celibacy and androgyny.
She smiles easily, laughs heartily. Sonal Mansingh’s only prayer is that “till my last breath, I should be singing, jumping, ...
Three years later, these women hold positions on the 2025 Panhellenic Executive Board, changing the narrative for Greek Life, especially for women. Charlotte's Panhellenic Executive Board manages ...