Something didn’t feel right on the bus ride home for 8th graders Reaves and Kerlyn Alvarez. “I was scared because he didn’t stop at any of the first few stops. And I was scared the other ...
Davila, 27, told jurors she's remorseful and suffering from PTSD linked to the fateful bus ride to Claremont Elementary School in Somerset in July 2023. "I feel bad for what happened, and I am so ...
During a bumpy part of the bus ride, the child slid down in her wheelchair and was strangled by the wheelchair harness and later died at the hospital. The video also showed Davila sat in front of ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — A viral social media wish became reality Sunday when Justin Timberlake joined a large group of Portland children and families for their "bike bus" ride. The Oregonian was first ...
Timberlake posted a video on his social media of the ride with Portland’s Bike Bus. Despite the rainy weather, he said he was having a great time. Samuel Balto, who was at the time a Portland ...
The child was strangled by her wheelchair's harness on the bus ride. Fajr flailed her arms and legs, shrieked or gasped twice and kicked the window of the school bus, but Davila didn’t seem to ...