IT is the unfortunate lot of some patients dying of metastatic cancer of the breast, lung, cervix and so forth to be plagued by severe dyspnea due to recurrent malignant pleural effusions.
For the minimally invasive lateral approach thoracolumbar junction corpectomy, the patient was operated in the right lateral decubitus position. A 6-cm long oblique incision at the midaxillary line ...
Our Scar Revision Clinic uses laser therapy — the latest and most effective technique to flatten, soften and reduce pigmentation of scars. Our team of scar specialists on the plastic and ...
Depending on where the tumor is located, it may not be accessible for removal via video-assisted surgery. Also, your surgeon may determine that an open thoracotomy provides a better chance of ensuring ...
The left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery was ligated using the “Rapid Method” originally described by Gao et al. (14). Briefly, a 1–2 cm incision was made in the skin on the left lateral ...
Chief of Trauma - The CORE Institute; Orthopaedic Trauma & Upper Extremity Surgeon; Associate Professor - University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix ...
The iliotibial band is incised for the length of the incision. The vastus lateralis muscle is reflected superiorly and medially to expose the lateral intermuscular septum, which is incised for the ...
Correspondence to Dr Ioannis Psallidas, Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine, Churchill Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals Trust, Old Road, Oxford OX3 7LE, UK; ioannis.psallidas{at} ...
An exploratory laparotomy, also known as a celiotomy or "ex lap," is a type of major surgery that involves opening the abdomen with a large incision in order to visualize the entire abdominal cavity.
Mitral valve regurgitation is a common disease, traditionally treated with valve repair or replacement using open cardiac surgery. The most common etiologies of mitral regurgitation (MR) include ...