At the turn of the century, Dafydd Jones was in the thick of political galas and celebrity parties in New York and LA. He ...
fundraiser “Fun with the Fifties” was one for the record books! What has become the annual not-to-be-missed local dancing fundraiser broke records, snagging more than $29,432.70 to help feed ...
Brother of King Charles III Bill Clinton, former US president listed on flight logs President Donald Trump listed on flight logs and in Epstein’s book Marla Maples, the former wife of Donald ...
As we wrap up celebrating Black History Month, a Brooklyn family teaching African dance and drumming in public schools lost its rhythm after not getting paid for nearly seven months.
Dancing on Ice spoilers follow. Dancing on Ice's Anton Ferdinand has received the first perfect score of the series, with a performance that left judge Oti Mabuse in tears. After landing in the ...
Television icon Marla Gibbs, 93, is not ready to leave show business yet. Gibbs cemented her name in the entertainment history books with her memorable performance in popular sitcoms such as ...
The former Mrs. Trump appears to be filling a void left by habitually missing First Lady Melania Trump. News Reporter News Reporter [email protected] Got a tip? Send it to The Daily ...
A college student has found herself caught in political crossfire. New York University’s College Republicans club president Kaya J. Walker has resigned from her post amid backlash over a recent ...
She said: "I'm also excited to be honored today. To be honored is wonderful. Especially while you're still here on the planet. "I had some ladies come to me and they said, ‘Marla, I've always wanted ...