Supercomputing power is measured in floating point operations per second (FLOPS). The most powerful supercomputers in the world deliver a little over 1,000 petaFLOPS of power (1 quintillion FLOPS).
For $110, the performance of the Kidwants KN1 Touch Mini PC, powered by a 2.6GHz Intel Celeron N4000 CPU, isn’t going to impress you. The reason to even consider this compact PC is that it features a ...
The Kidwants KN1 mini PC is a small, cheap desktop computer with mostly unremarkable specs. But it has one stand-out feature: the top cover is a touchpad with support for multitouch gestures.
Find the best mini PC for your next project with my round-up of top small-form desktop computers. As hardware editor, my team and I have built, benchmarked, and reviewed a broad range of mini ...