The first snowblower to clear the streets was purchased by the City of Montreal nearly 100 years ago, in 1928.
On the bright side: a combo of higher-than-normal temperatures and little precipitation could see summer kick off in May, according to the long-term forecast by MétéoMédia.
Each blower is filling a 45-foot extended dump truck in one minute ... Unlike other municipalities that are facing issues finding a place to put all the snow, Montreal has adequate dumping sites to ...
A snow blower can be either a nice luxury or an absolute necessity depending on how much snow you get in an average winter and how big an area you need to clear around your house. If you have a ...
A descent blowing snow blower can help you remove dry snow effectively, but it is useless to remove snow in wet and snowy climates. In this case, you need to invest in a more powerful model due to the ...
A snow blower works to blow snow onto a dump truck on a narrow street during the first of three waves needed to clear one side of Benny St. in the N.D.G. district of Montreal, on Thursday ...
With further heavy snowfall and winter storms in the forecast, it may be time to upgrade your snow removal arsenal with a snow blower or thrower. From gas and cordless snow blowers to battery-powered ...
Snow blowers are a huge upgrade from just shoveling, but they still require manual operation at all times, really just reducing the time to clear the snow but occupying you in the process.
Storm's a-brewin'! Tackle the white stuff with a snow blower or thrower this winter (Photo by Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto via Getty Images).
An electric snow blower is a perfect alternative to the gas snow blower, they are perfect for clearing snow off your walkway and driveway. But the one question remained is among countless models on ...