Relevant departments from China, Myanmar and Thailand recently held a ministerial coordination meeting here on jointly ...
缅甸独立研究组织Data for Myanmar 2月28日发布的报告显示,缅甸在国家政治动荡期间(政变期间),由于在线反对和批评军方,已有1884名在线用户被捕,平均每月约有50人被捕。
缅甸军政府首脑敏昂莱(Min Aung Hlaing)周一启程前往俄罗斯,周二他将与俄罗斯总统普京会谈,讨论俄缅合作前景和国际问题。 Myanmar's junta chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who ...
从边境的泰国一侧能看到缅甸电诈园区里的一栋新建大楼,摄于今年2月。虽然一项多国努力已帮助解救了数千名被迫在这些电诈园区工作的人,但电诈园区的数量仍在不断增长。 Lauren DeCicca for The New York Times ...
Chinese animated mega-hit "Ne Zha 2" has taken the Hong Kong and Macao box offices by storm since its general release on Feb.
Imágenes obtenidas del satélite de una institución de investigación china revelan un paisaje nocturno de Myawaddy, una región a lo largo de la frontera entre Tailandia y Myanmar notoria por ...
The Mysterious Chamber of Commerce Behind Huanya Park: Linked to a Chinese Gang Leader and the Blood Slave Case,with,including,chinese,case,myawaddy,years ...
Myawaddy Dongmei Park: The Black Gold Empire of Ex-Macau Gangland Boss ‘Broken Tooth’,with,march,myawaddy,including,world,established ...
SBS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and their connections and continuous care for the skies, lands and waterways throughout Australia.
前佩特拉平台的系泊作业成功完成。调试阶段和投入使用时间预计在四月。首席执行官 Venier 表示:“为国家多元化和能源安全做出了决定性的贡献。拉韦纳理想的着陆地” 我们收到 e 我们发布 以下 按 打印 传播者 SNAM. La ...