Drilling of Koos-1EXP is expected to last nearly six months, as Pemex will eye 42 degrees API crude in Upper Cretaceous and ...
Montanstahl is contributing to new possibilities in steel shape manufacturing to assist the offshore industry solve problems in both the traditional and renewable energy sectors. With custom designed ...
China is making rapid strides in catching up with developed nations in offshore drilling, driven by a push toward scientific ...
Talos Energy's solid acquisition strategy, strong debt repayment, and management evaluation are key for reducing investment ...
Preliminary analysis indicates substantial oil and gas volumes', a statement posted on FIRST E&P's website said.
According to the status report on the oil and gas developments in Uganda, the drilling is still on schedule and the remaining 63 oil wells are expected to be drilled on time.The report indicates that ...
Petrobras has announced the completion of a drill stem test (DST) at the Sirius-2 well, located approximately 31km off the ...
Artificial intelligence is speeding up oil and gas drilling and prompting companies to take a second look at places they had ...
In the last decade, changing U.S. Administrations have become increasingly tumultuous, as the swings in priorities and directives have a ...
KYARUSHESHA, Uganda — For its first 88 completed miles, the world’s most controversial oil pipeline system runs in a ...
Petrobras has informed that a Drill Stem Test (DST) in the Sirius-2 well, located in deep waters of the Gujaira Basin ...
TMC Compressors (TMC) has secured a contract to deliver a large capacity marine compressed air system to the large floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) unit that Wison New Energies is building for ...