February is an ideal time to prune because the garden is waking up, and as the new growth comes through, it can be hard to ...
A vining plant with waxy, heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 8 feet long. Hang a pot from a hook or place it on an ...
Pansies could be the perfect wallflower — quiet, unassuming, blend-into-the-backdrop plants — of the garden. Not for Brenna ...
Trees and shrubs add shade and colour and bare-root is better value than plants in containers, writes David Domoney ...
Cilantro, unlike many other herbs, is best used fresh. If you regularly cook with cilantro, you know that keeping a supply of it on hand can be tricky because cilantro is a delicate herb. A bunch of ...
February is the peak month for displays of the exotic flower at botanical gardens around the world. And a good time to ask for advice on keeping yours healthy ...
If you're wondering if you can prune climbing roses in February, you'll be thrilled to discover that February is the perfect ...
Archaeologists Unearth 29 Skeletons With Impressions From Plant Stems and Flowers, Reveal 14,000-Year-Old Burial Rituals From ...
Trimming away the dead wood now will guarantee you an abundance of flowers come summer, according to a gardening expert who ...
I wrote in this space about a flowering shrub called pineapple guava, a plant that produces fruit that resemble neither ...
The best potato varieties are tasty and high yielding. The rigorous Which? trials reveal the best ones, plus tips for how to ...
No sooner do the leaves on Britain’s trees turn from tired green to a multitude of reds and oranges, than winds blow the branches bare. In some exposed places it happened almost overnight; in more ...