The sports drama “Unstoppable” follows the inspirational tale of Robles, who was born with one leg, as he goes from Arizona high school wrestling superstar to undefeated college national champion.
as they join forces with one of the most talented rosters in professional wrestling today. "The response to our collaboration over the past year has been tremendous and both companies have ...
Masked wrestlers in WWE, like Penta and Rey Mysterio, have captivating personas and impressive skills. Behind the mask, wrestlers like Sin Cara II and El Torito are skilled and hardworking ...
Khali, real name Dalip Singh Rana, is an Indian born pro wrestler and pro wrestling promoter who stands at over seven feet tall. With his sheer size as well as the wear and tear from his career ...
Professional wrestling wouldn’t be what it is today without the Latino influence that has frequently been a part of it. Mexican wrestling (a.k.a. lucha libre, which basically translates to ...
Set up a wrestling school or promotion and, well, no-one will demand anything. In 2024, as part of our health and wellbeing in professional wrestling project, fellow researchers Dominic Malcolm, ...
A potential higher ranking for Bronson Reed would reflect his formidable wrestling style. Nia Jax's newfound dominance and title reign make her deserving of a significant rating boost in WWE 2K25.