TL;DR: This voice-to-text recorder uses AI to transcribe and summarize meetings and lectures, and it's now 32% off with free shipping at the Mashable Shop. Taking notes in a fast-paced meeting or ...
Tax calculation on motor vehicle sales, state and state-administered local sales and use taxes are calculated on the full purchase price of the motor vehicle. The purchase price includes the full ...
Apple has packed a lot into iOS 18, not just the mobile operating system but also all the apps that run on top of it—and one of the most useful upgrades is in the Notes app. You can now record voice ...
Don’t toss your old license plates. Bring them to our motor vehicle office. The old plates will be destroyed, and the material recycled for new plates. This prevents possible theft and/or misuse ...
PLAUD #PLAUDAI #PLAUDNOTE #ChatGPT #VoiceRecorder #aitechnology PLAUD NOTE AI TECHNOLOGY: PLAUD APP integrates advanced ...