Graduate students Anderson Fletcher and Maggie Herrmann will each give a seminar as part of the Spring 2025 Seminar Series from 3:30-5 p.m. today in the Agriculture Building, room 115.
Before cybersecurity was a household word, UNC Charlotte foresaw that cyber defense would have major national security, financial and societal implications.
Jacksonville University is expanding its nursing simulation center with help from a major health care provider. Learn about ...
Some students do more than just put pencil to paper and instead make the classroom experience a positive for all students.
Scientists have pushed back the foundation of the port at Ancient Corinth, called Lechaion, by at least five centuries.
Ephemera, launched by Chandini Peddana ’25, will feature theoretical and historical essays, artist spotlights and exhibition ...
Stem Cell Reports, the premier open access journal dedicated to advancing stem cell research, has been named the official ...
A recent study published by the journal Interactive Learning Environments analyzes the relationship between the frequency of ChatGPT use for academic purposes and plagiarism among university students.
International partnerships focusing on biomedical research amongst academic institutions have been on the rise over the past ...
Truong Huy San, who is better known by the pen name Huy Duc, was convicted of “abusing democratic freedoms.” A Vietnamese ...
The Trump Administration’s censorship extends beyond federal websites and datasets to include research to be published in ...