When it came to fashion, Steve Jobs was perhaps best known for his signature black turtlenecks. But he wore a more obscure and much more colorful bow tie to unveil a monumental product in the ...
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO, he enlisted designer Jony Ive to help design one of its most iconic products and ...
If you ask your neighbor who Bill Gates or Steve Jobs is, they’d probably know. But mention Gary Kildall, and you are likely to get a blank stare unless you live next door to another Hackaday ...
RR Auction is selling an Apple-1 computer, built by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, which could fetch up to $300,000. The auction also features other ra ...
Before he died in 2011, Steve Jobs tasked iPhone designer Jony Ive with one more challenge, Ive said.
Steve Jobs didn’t much care for signing autographs ... To date, there are fewer than five Jobs-signed Apple Computer business cards that have been authenticated. Jobs passed away in 2011 ...
During the iPhone launch, this overlooked moment reveals one of Jobs’ most important leadership qualities.
Newsom said that Steve Jobs "encapsulates the unique brand of ... bringing to life the world's first fully computer-animated feature: "Toy Story." But even that legacy-defining achievement is ...