By R.A. Mathews They moved. Frequently. And they did so on a dime, packing up and immediately going. There were no fancy RVs.
The uppermost covering of the Mishkan, the mobile Tabernacle of the desert, was made from the colorful skins of the Tachash.
*Write a prayer of gratitude for God’s willingness to dwell with you today. Background: God instructed His people to build a ...
The question of the Temple is present in the conscious of the children of the forefathers since Abraham, who called it “mountain”, and Isaac who called it “field”, and Jacob who called it “house.” ...
Dooly Campground is seeking lumber to restore its storm-damaged tabernacle without losing its history. Here's how you can ...
There are a number of midrashim (non-literal interpretations) that reflect the relationship between God and Israel as ...
God chooses Bezalel, his assistant Oholiab, and every skilled craftsman that God has found (male or female) (Exodus 31:1-6). Skilled craftsmen, like God, are creative. They, like the Sabbath, are the ...
“God Help the Outcasts” was sung on the film soundtrack by Heidi Mollenhauer and has also been recorded by Bette Midler, Lara Fabian, and many others. Joy: Christmas with The Tabernacle ...