WASHINGTON, March 15 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump said on social media Saturday that he has ordered the U.S. Military to launch "decisive and powerful military action" against the Houthi ...
今年1月初,在他当选但尚未就职时,特朗普就表示愿意对格陵兰和巴拿马使用武力, 他想要控制巴拿马运河。 Greenlanders, however, voted to rebuff President Trump's effort to bring ...
The administration of US President Donald Trump is mulling new travel bans against 43 countries, including a possible pause ...
Greenlandic political leaders have firmly rejected US President Donald Trump's latest comments on the potential annexation of ...
On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 200-percent tariff on all wines, champagnes, and other alcoholic beverages from France and other EU member states unless the whisky ...
Many analysts warn that U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, along with ongoing tariff threats, are creating uncertainty and disruption in the U.S. economy, and such unpredictability is making it ...
In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a key topic in global capital markets, particularly on Wall Street, where an increasing number of investors and companies are ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)星期五(3月7日)似乎是在放出口风说,除非伊朗同意一项新的协议以限制其快速推进的核计划,否则他准备对伊朗采取军事行动。 “接下来的日子将会很有意思,我只能告诉你们这些。” ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)星期三(3月5日)推迟对进口自墨西哥和加拿大的汽车征收新的25%关税,期限为一个月,此时正值外界担忧与邻国的贸易战可能会损害美国汽车制造商“三巨头”。 白宫新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline ...
2019年,加拿大总理特鲁多与美国总统特朗普在伦敦。在特朗普准备对邻国征收新一轮关税之际,他对加拿大表现出了一种特别的厌恶。 Al Drago for The New York Times ...
马克龙试图温和地劝说特朗普提高对俄罗斯的警惕,但美国总统似乎不为所动。 Doug Mills/The New York Times 从你结交的朋友就可以看出你是个什么样的人——如果这句老话是正确的,那么特朗普总统的行为可能会告诉全世界,他在第二个任期内打算成为什么样的人。