7 天
游侠网 on MSNEPL S21今日赛程:3月7日淘汰赛首战TYLOO vs Spirit3月7日17:30分《CS2》EPL-S21淘汰赛将正式拉开帷幕,首战便迎来一场焦点对决,中国战队TYLOO将迎战劲旅Spirit。这场比赛备受瞩目,是中国战队多年以来首次面对top1级别的强队。
TYLOO vs Team Spirit,作为EPL S21第二阶段的揭幕战之一,于今天下午5:30正式开打,它牵动着无数CNCS玩家的心。 对于TYLOO来说,他们在EPLS21第一阶段 ...
北京时间3月7日,CS2赛事EPL-S21正赛瑞士轮首轮,CNCS战队TYLOO迎战现世界第一Spirit,在Anubis与Nuke分别以11-13和6-13的比分落败,大比分0-2负于对手,落入瑞士轮0-1组。地图选择天禄禁Dust2,绿龙禁Inf ...
The Chinese team came out on top at today's CS:GO Super League's finals following their victory in the grandfinals match. TyLoo once again proved their dominance in their home country today following ...
Dignitas becomes the sixth qualifying team for CS:GO next Major after beating TyLoo 16-3. It seems the Chinese have lost yet again in the CS:GO scene. One of the final three matches of the ESL One ...
TYLOO, paiN Gaming, and FURIA become the final teams to reach the next stage of ESL Pro League S21 - let's recap the action.
Team Spirit are looking to put the IEM Katowice 2025 Final behind them at ESL Pro League S21 - here's how they can do it!