Welcome back to TechCrunch Mobility — your central hub for news and insights on the future of transportation. Sign up here for free — just click TechCrunch Mobility! For regular readers of TechCrunch ...
Tesla is one of the largest battery electric vehicle automakers in the world. In less than a decade, the company went from a startup to a globally recognized luxury automaker with its Model S and ...
The Defining Year for Autonomous Vehicle Adoption” was previously published in February 2025 with the title, “Autonomous ...
A fire that started outside spread to a home in Millvale, sending flames shooting into the air early Thursday morning.
Alongside SUVs, trucks are the most popular type of vehicle in the USA, and when it comes to these workhorses, buyers have made their demands clear: power, size, capability, and status are what ...
A semi-truck crash on northbound I-5 in Kent, Washington has snarled traffic during the Friday morning commute.
Lyft Inc. and Waymo. Musk has said Tesla would roll out driverless ride-hailing in Austin in June and aimed to offer it in California by the end of the year, without offering specific details. Shares ...
2月28日消息,Alphabet首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)在社交媒体平台X透露,旗下自动驾驶汽车公司Waymo目前每周完成的付费打车订单已经 ...
此前未报道的申请表明,特斯拉正致力于在近期推出一项承诺的叫车业务,开辟新的收入来源,并与 Uber Technologies、Lyft Inc. 和 Waymo 等公司展开竞争。
Lyft Inc. and Waymo. Musk has said Tesla would roll out driverless ride-hailing in Austin in June and aimed to offer it in California by the end of the year, without offering specific details.
Lyft Inc. and Waymo. Musk has said Tesla would roll out driverless ride-hailing in Austin in June and aimed to offer it in California by the end of the year, without offering specific details.