Transfusion reactions are adverse events that can occur during or after the transfusion of blood products. These reactions can range from mild allergic responses to severe complications that may ...
In the developed world, most of the reported complications of transfusion have an immunological basis. Although the media and the public are worried about the infectious risks of transfusion ...
If any adverse reaction occurred during or after the transfusion of any blood component, a decision of whether to report the incident to the transfusion service was made by the physician.
Blood transfusion and haematology experts have stated that blood must be warmed before being transfused into a recipient to prevent adverse reactions such as shivering or fever and rigour. They ...
A patient had anaphylactic transfusion reactions when transfused with small amounts (10 ml or less) of blood from four consecutive donors. Antibodies to erythrocytes or leukocytes could not be ...
Implementation of these tests for screening of blood donors will reduce the risk of HCV after transfusion still further (down to approximately one in 300,000 in the US, for example). A test ...