Sam Altman-backed Retro Biosciences is raising $1 billion to develop drugs that extend human lifespan by 10 years, the FT ...
由 OpenAI 首席执行官 Sam Altman 支持的生物科技初创公司 Retro Biosciences,正在进行一轮10亿美元的A轮融资,进一步加码其延长人类寿命的雄心。此前,Altman曾向该公司投入1.8亿美元的种子轮融资。Retro ...
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, is backing a groundbreaking initiative aimed at extending human lifespan by a decade through ...
The Financial Times today cited sources as saying that OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman is participating in the investment.
Retro Biosciences is raising a $1bn round to fund the artificial intelligence-powered biotech’s mission to increase human lifespan by a decade, starting by getting its first drug into trials this year ...
生物技术领域迎来了一项重大投资,Retro Biosciences公司宣布将启动一项雄心勃勃的计划——延长人类寿命10年,为此该公司计划筹集高达10亿美元的资金。这一消息的发布,引起了业界的广泛关注。 Retro Biosciences公司能够获得如此巨额的投资,离不开其背后的强大支持者。OpenAI的首席执行官Sam Altman,不仅亲自参与了该公司的创立,更是在初期就慷慨解囊,提供了1.8亿 ...
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is doubling down on Retro Biosciences, a biotech startup based in San Francisco that wants humans to live 10 years longer than what it calls a healthy human lifespan.
就在硅谷科技创新的浪潮中,旧金山的生物科技公司Retro Biosciences正潜心追踪一项宏大的使命——用10亿美元的资金去突破人类寿命的极限,力争为今后的生活带来10年的额外时光。而技术的推手?那就是前沿的人工智能(AI)技术!
Pedro Pascal and Vanessa Kirby get retro in The Fantastic Four trailer - There have been previous films about the four ...
2025-01-23 21:10发布于中国香港IT之家官方账号 IT之家 1 月 23 日消息,旧金山生物科技公司 Retro Biosciences 正在筹集 10 亿美元资金,用于支持其通过人工智能(AI)技术延长人类寿命 10 年的使命。该公司计划今年将其首款药物推进临床试验阶段。 Retro Biosciences 的种子 ...