Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers. They are considered as the cream of the crop, as they say. That’s why they ...
环保装备是指用于控制环境污染、改善环境质量而由生产单位或建筑安装单位制造和建造出来的机械产品、构筑物及系统。环保装备制造业是推动绿色低碳转型的重要基础,是建设美丽中国的技术保障。近年来,我国环保装备制造业产业规模持续壮大。据有关行业协会测算,“十三五 ...
国家卫生健康委主任雷海潮2025年3月9日在十四届全国人大三次会议民生主题记者会上说,2024年中国人均预期寿命达到79岁,比2023年提升0.4岁。 China's average life expectancy reached 79 years in 2024, which has increased by 0.4 years from 2023, said Lei Haichao, head ...
2025年3月5日提请十四届全国人大三次会议审议的政府工作报告提出,持续推进“人工智能+”行动,支持大模型广泛应用,大力发展智能网联新能源汽车、人工智能手机和电脑、智能机器人等新一代智能终端以及智能制造装备。 Vowing to advance the AI Plus initiative, the ...
2025年3月6日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平看望参加全国政协十四届三次会议的民盟、民进、教育界委员,并参加联组会,听取意见和建议。习近平指出,建设高质量教育体系,办好人民满意的教育,根本在于深化教育综合改革。 Chinese ...
Sex discrimination, by the way, refers to how women are prejudiced against in, for example, employment. Sometimes, women are not given a job due to the very fact that they’re women. Even when they are ...
据科技日报2025年3月5日报道,我国自主研发的氢燃料电池在南极秦岭科考站成功发电,标志着全球首次实现氢能技术在南极应用。 China's independently developed hydrogen fuel cell has successfully generated electricity at the country's Qinling Station in Antarctica, ...