Yesterday, DC finally got around to breaking the news that was already broken: Yes they were going to publish Watchmen prequels, and yes, they had managed to find a group of creators dumb enough to ...
For Christmas this year I was given the prospect of impending joblessness, a gift that has a fine Dickensian heritage, though unfortunately it’s not Dickens but Shakespeare who has a cameo in the ...
Hi, Mr. Morrison! Can I call you Grant? Great. Great. Gotta say, fantastic job getting Happy! on TV and with Pax Americana changing the whole freaking game and everything. Uh, listen. We need to talk.
It was the end…but the moment had been prepared for. From 1963 through 1969 Doctor Who was a black-and-white serial that ran for nine- or ten-month stretches, that featured as a lead an unknowable ...
Occasionally, certain men of a certain age will run out of things to say to each other. Conversation grinds to a dry halt, and the only course of action is to resort to a comfortable zone of the ...
As some of you might have already read, Mark Stewart – our own Amy Poodle and a member of the Diane podcast crew – died unexpectedly last month. There’s a crowdfunder running to support his partner ...
Sometime in the nineties the cry rang out: Marvel was gonna put the “character back into comics”. This was news to me. As far as I was concerned the Marvelverse, with the possible exception of the ...
Script by Grant Morrison. Art by Chris Burnham and Nathan Fairbairn. DC Comics. NO JOKER. [The term ‘Batman’ here simultaneously refers both to both the well known character/intellectual property ...
This is where I part ways with most of my fellow Mindless: they felt the old thrill while reading the Multiversity Guidebook, with its comic book creation myth and its parade of endless (if by ...
Don't let SILENCE go silent! Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die need your generous donations to pay for podcast hosting over the next year. Anything you can spare would be gratefully received.
Here’s a brand new Cindy & Biscuit strip for you. I’ll be doing these on a semi-regular basis here on Mindless Ones. Also, don’t forget to get yourself a copy of the brand new Cindy & Biscuit no.3 ...
Phonogram Book Two: The Singles Club #7. By Keiron Gillen, Jamie Mckelvie, and Matt Wilson. Getting this post done is probably the only New Year’s Resolution I will stick to. Shame then that I haven’t ...