In this chapter of "Stories of Resistance," Michael Fox looks at the efforts of a communal pharmacy in the face of US sanctions.
To commemorate International Working Women's Day, the VA Podcast takes stock of popular feminism struggles in Venezuela.
The sale of Monómeros by the Venezuelan government is motivated by an effort to head off a likely crackdown by the US Treasury Department.
After granting Chevron 30 days to wind down its Venezuela operations, Washington is driving out other international oil ...
Despite many obstacles, popular feminism is advancing grassroots struggles in Venezuela, a country under siege.
Analyst and solidarity activist Roger Harris examines the moving pieces and competing interests determining US-Venezuela relations.
Over the past quarter-century, the United States has spared no effort to overthrow Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution. The ceaseless regime-change attacks, besides their near-universal bipartisan ...
Ramped-up economic sanctions will immediately affect the country’s oil output and potentially trigger inflation.