On a cold night before Christmas in 2018, a moment of unimaginable cruelty was captured on CCTV in Stoke-on-Trent, England. A white and black Staffordshire Bull Terrier, later named Snoop, was ...
Welcome to Top 10 Most Endangered Animals in India. There are many species which are endangered across the globe. This should not be a statistic to be proud of, as humans are the main cause of these ...
Researchers at the University of Melbourne have established a cutting-edge research facility with the potential to resurrect the Tasmanian tiger species. Benjamin the last Tasmanian Tiger, died in ...
This man’s heart is shattered when he finds puppies and their mother abandoned and mistreated outside a house in Canada. Stopping his car, he notices them crawling out from under a couch. The man ...
Dogs have long been cherished companions, offering companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. However, some breeds are known for forming especially deep emotional connections with their human ...
moose, elk bull, antler, bull, head, wild animal, enclosure, nature, animal portrait, elk park, mammal, animal, tierpark hellabrunn, moose, moose, moose, moose, moose. Image via Pixabay Alaska is ...
Exploring the great outdoors often promises splendid views and breathtaking encounters with untouched nature. However, amidst the splendor of nature’s beauty lies a hidden reality: the presence of ...
Indian Ocean Tsunami. Image by David Rydevik (email: david.rydevikgmail.com), Stockholm, Sweden. - Originally at Bild:Davidsvågfoto.JPG., Public Domain, https ...
When you think of sharks, do you imagine mindless killers? What about bats—creepy creatures of the night? Many animals suffer from a bad reputation, but the truth is often far from what we’ve been led ...
Beautiful winter mountain landscape. Tall spruce trees covered with snow in winter forest and cloudy sky background. Image via Depositphtotos. Snowfall can transform landscapes into winter wonderlands ...
Bald Eagle. Photo by Mathew Schwartz, via Unsplash. The bald eagle, long an emblem of strength and freedom in the United States, is often associated with the wilds of Alaska. However, in a surprising ...
In the wild Chobe River, Botswana, a fierce struggle of a baby Cape buffalo is captured on camera. The baby is ensnared not only by the thick mud, but also by the river’s most formidable predators: ...