A new survey has found that more than half of Americans do not believe God exists or that He affects lives, prompting one ...
Events that occurred this week in Christian history include the birth of George Leslie Mackay, the death of Alfred Edersheim, ...
A British court has thrown out the prosecution of a Christian preacher who faced charges stemming from a heated confrontation ...
A retired Baptist pastor has been charged with violating the controversial buffer zone law in Northern Ireland after ...
Modern feminism promised empowerment, but instead it delivered loneliness, broken families, and spiritual confusion ...
Columbia University students will finally face discipline for illegally occupying a university building in April 2024, school ...
Ministry sometimes feels like a slap in the face, often when you least expect it to happen. Somebody with more authority ...
Joyce Meyer is one of America's best-known prosperity-gospel TV ministers -- preachers who teach that personal wealth can be attained through a strong faith in God and a strict adherence to the Bible.
The seventh full week of the Trump administration was defined by new developments in both domestic and foreign policy Here ...
I don’t know how you could hear my story and my testimony and not believe that there is a God.” That’s how Cameron Cortman ...
Does the United States, often through New York state policies, really want to maintain an abortion reputation comparable to ...
The Girl Scouts are being sued after a study commissioned by consumer advocacy groups revealed the presence of heavy metals ...