Thought leaders from industry, academia, government and civil society gathered to discuss the ethics and governance of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) March 10-11 at the K&L Gates-Carnegie ...
These 24 Carnegie Mellon University alumni all have two things in common — they’re members of CMU’s Tartans on the Rise class for 2025, and they’re changing the world.
My research centers on how we plan our actions, how this changes with experience and how the organization of the underlying neural pathways regulates these abilities. Using a combination of ...
This is a demo for an experiment on Human-AI teaming and preferences for controllability in a reproduction of the Overcooked-AI environment that uses CoGrid and Interactive Gym. Our goal is to ...
Staff Council is comprised of 60 representatives who are elected to two-year terms. In addition to 30 At-Large Representatives, 30 Divisional Representatives work closely with university ...
In addition to planning a course schedule in SIO, you may also use the Stellic Degree Audit application, a collaborative tool that assists with schedule planning, retaining past course plans, and ...
With over 300 million speakers in more than 50 countries, the French language is essential for business and politics. A unique opportunity to tailor your professional expertise or interests to a ...
Biomedical Engineering allows a streamlined application process for qualified CIT and MCS students to enter its accelerated BME M.S. program, by dramatically reducing the required documents and ...
All undergraduate, graduate, and incoming exchange students registered for 19 or more units studying in Pittsburgh, Qatar, or Silicon Valley. The technology fee is used to support information ...
Parker, G., Tupling, H., & Brown, L. B. (1979). A parental bonding instrument. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 52, 1-10. Modified. The modified version of the PBI that was administered in PCS3 ...
CMU community members were introduced to the concept of bystander intervention to disrupt power-based personal violence (dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking) through Green Dot training from ...
There are immigration implications for students in F-1 or J-1 status who leave Carnegie Mellon before completing their program of study. It is important that students discuss their specific situation ...