Indiana R-STEP was selected as a 2024 recipient of the funding. The Indiana R-STEP collaborative will serve as a technical resource and community engagement hub for the three years of the grant and ...
Purdue Extension aims to grow and improve jobs in Indiana by championing thriving communities, a prosperous economy and a sustainable infrastructure. This thematic area provides evidence-based ...
Purdue Extension’s Scott Gabbard had known Mike and Anngie Steinbarger since their daughters Hayley and Michelle — now married with children of their own — were youngsters. He has known Michelle’s ...
Calves under one year of age are more susceptible than older cattle. Older cattle frequently have been exposed to the parasites and developed a degree of immunity. Adult worms in the gut of cattle ...
Vibrant communities often have a healthy economy with a diverse set of economic activity occurring related to job growth, business growth and attraction and a sustainable infrastructure. Business ...
Whether a well taps water just below the ground or hundreds of feet deep, its location on top of the ground is a crucial safety factor. A well downhill from a livestock yard,a leaking tank or a ...
Arrange to have a security survey conducted. Your insurance agent probably performed a limited assessment of your property to identify risks on which to base premiums. But since insurance appraisals ...
The Microwave Project contains exciting youth activities that focus on using the microwave to prepare everything from simple snacks to complete meals. Each learner guides has activities focused on the ...
Late season varieties require more than 80 days to reach maturity.
Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension (ANR) Educators serve as research based, unbiased information source for county and state constituents on a variety of topics including: crops, ag business, ...
Term insurance provides the most protection for your insurance dollars. Guaranteed renewability and convertibility are two features that make term insurance more flexible. Cash-value policies combine ...