The third edition of Introduction to Metadata, first published in 1998, provides an overview of metadata, including its types, roles, and characteristics; a discussion of metadata as it relates to web ...
Originally promulgated in 2000 by ICOMOS China with bilingual versions published in 2002 and 2004, the Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China were the first set of national ...
Join a Getty-led coalition of major arts organizations and philanthropists providing emergency relief for artists and arts workers in all disciplines who have lost residences, studios, archives, ...
The essence of Aphrodite's power was her ability to provoke desire. Sexual allure was long an intrinsic aspect of Aphrodite, and erotic pleasures were referred to as ta Aphrodisia, "the business of ...
This information comes from the Museum's collection database, and in some cases is incomplete or awaiting refinement. Researching the collection is a core component of our work, and we continue to ...
Take your students into the world of Greek and Roman myths—ancient stories about heroes, monsters, gods, and goddesses. Seven activities introduce students to these stories and their characters ...
Contact Library Reference with content-related questions or to make an appointment to use the collections. Use this form to recommend corrections to the finding aid, to indicate the correct ...
The activities in this self-guided tour of the Museum at the Getty Center explore different aspects of the idea of power and how artists have represented and been inspired by this idea for hundreds of ...