A recent study has revealed that adding selenium and vitamin E to the diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) can significantly boost growth, strengthen the immune system, and reduce mortality ...
The recent AquaFarm 2025 fair in Pordenone, Italy, has highlighted crucial discussion on the need to enhance transparency in fish and seafood labelling, reflecting a growing consumer demand for clear ...
Concerns over microplastics and their potential impact on aquaculture have escalated in recent years due to the ability to infiltrate aquatic ecosystems and affect both marine life and human health.
Recently, the European Parliament debated a Commission proposal aimed at ensuring animal welfare during transport. In this context, Spanish MEP Gabriel Mato, currently chairing the Fisheries Committee ...
The European market for seabass and seabream is set to remain stable in 2025, with sustained demand and moderate growth in exports. Turkey, the leading producer, continues to strengthen its presence ...
Este año se cumple el centenario de la primera vez que el microbiólogo franco-canadiense Félix d’Herelle comenzó a usar virus específicos para combatir enfermedades bacterianas. El uso de estos ...
A team from the Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station, part of the US Department of Agriculture’s Research Service, has unveiled how rainbow trout transform dietary plant oils into essential ...
The industrial application of wastewater treatment using microalgae has the potential to turn an environmental challenge into an economic and ecological opportunity, enabling the production of food ...
Futuna Blue, in partnership with Kingfish Norway, is forging ahead with plans to expand production of Seriola (Seriola dumerili), commonly known as Great Amberjack. This was confirmed by Germán Beardo ...
Los investigadores Marcelino Herrera, Luis Vargas-Chacoff y Antoni Ibars han abierto a la comunidad científica la posibilidad de participar en el próximo volumen especial de la revista científica ...