Depending on the severity of the blowout, the wheel coming into contact with the runway at high speeds can lead to fires.
The Boeing 747, dubbed "The Queen of the Skies" has a long, storied history in aviation. Here is everything we know about ...
The famous Boeing 747, perhaps the most famous commercial aircraft in all of history, serves another purpose that only the ...
The landing gear is key to maintaining an airplane's stability and controllability during ground movement, absorbing loads ...
Las Vegas is known for out of the ordinary sights, but it was a sight to see as a Boeing 747 from Burning Man was transported to AREA15.
An American Airlines flight arriving at Ronald Reagan National Airport was forced to abort its landing to avoid another aircraft Tuesday, officials said, less than a month after a midair collision ...
Attempts to restart failed and the pilot performed a forced landing in a field. The landing gear collapsed, causing significant damage to the fuselage and right wing, NTSB said. The FAA inspector ...
Upon landing, there was no smoke in the cockpit, but pilots requested medical attention for passengers who may have been affected by smoke, according to audio from A rescue ambulance ...
The fuselage of the Dreamliner is made up of single-piece sections joined together. The Boeing 747-400 rests on 16 main landing gear tires and two nose landing gear tires. While these are far more ...