One of the best-known varieties from Summerland was the Spartan apple. Work on this began in 1924 and the commercial trial ...
There’s one fruit that has quietly been a part of Indian summers for generations, known for its ability to cool, refresh, and ...
its origins trace back to Steve Jobs' simple taste for the fruit and a strategic vision for branding. Apple's first logo from 1976 shows Isaac Newton reading a book under an apple tree. This striking ...
Pie, pita, torta, tarte. No matter what it’s called, the idea applies across the globe. Everyone loves a piece of filled, ...
Former Tate Modern director Vicente Todolí founded Todolí Citrus Fundació to preserve rare citrus varieties and compile a ...
Everyone has their preferred foodie holiday. Some enjoy being ghoulish by acquiring candy on Halloween. Others love to become ...
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