The first flush of roses is set to begin in the coming weeks, so it's time to lavish a little extra care on these plants, ...
As for diseases, the best strategy is to start with disease-resistant cultivars. “Buy ‘fisherman roses,’” Pscheidt said. “The ...
Roses and hydrangeas are known for their vibrant blooms, but there is a straightforward way to boost their flower production ...
Peter Beales Roses warned that it is the time of year to get some key jobs done to make sure the flowers will appear later ...
Roses are often an integral part of any garden, but if you want to ensure beautiful blooms this summer, garden experts have ...
I paid a lot of attention to those words because I already had a big — make that a giant interest in growing these ...
Roses and hydrangeas can be difficult to grow, but they will thrive if you use a kitchen leftover to fertilise them once a ...
Get the jump on the growing season this year with these pretty early spring flowers that just can’t wait for warm weather. Because these perennial flowers, trees and shrubs are the first to unfurl ...
Pune: At the crack of dawn, Parameshwar Kumbhar (42) and his family walk into their one-acre open rose field, wearing head torches to collect blooming.
Roses can suffer from black spot disease which spreads at this time of year, but three easy tasks will prevent it ...
Gardeners have been told that they need to take two urgent actions to make sure their flowers will be blooming lovely this summer. Experts at Peter Beales Roses have said that there are two things ...