*Write a prayer of gratitude for God’s willingness to dwell with you today. Background: God instructed His people to build a ...
Made of precious metal, they are set aside for sacred use only. Priests and deacons wear beautiful vestments during the celebration of the Eucharist and most of us, out of respect for our Lord, ...
Cardinal Michael Czerny, delegated by Pope Francis, presides over the Mass for the Jubilee of the World of Volunteering. He ...
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their ...
WAITANGI Day is a special public holiday in New Zealand that commemorates the country’s founding while respecting the rights of native Maoris and their heritage. In a sense, it aims to celebrate the ...
Welcome to Westminster Abbey. Daily prayer has been offered in this place for over a thousand years, and your participation in today's service is warmly welcomed. At choral Evensong most of the ...
Watch The Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Canon Theologian and Almoner at Westminster Abbey, as he considers the importance of justice for victims, whether Christians should always forgive others and ...
As the 88-year-old Pope enters the final stage of his pontificate, we pause to consider the contribution he has made to ...
A Catholic priest was murdered in Myanmar’s conflict-ridden Sagaing region, where clashes between militias and the military have escalated. Father Donald Martin Ye Naing Win, the first Catholic ...