The Next Generation would have been completely different if Denise Crosby's Lt. Tasha Yar had survived past the show's first ...
Do androids dream of making other androids? Here's how 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' changed android canon with "The ...
From Captain Picard's facepalm to Captain Janeway's love of coffee, the Star Trek franchise has produced some truly iconic, ...
Whatever happened to Klingon Jesus? A new 'Star Trek' story has just revealed a new twist in the story of Kahless.
Star Trek: Voyager turns 30 in 2025, immediately making half of our lower backs twinge. But this milestone is more than just ...
Lower Decks #5, Mariner and her crew discover a time-traveling menace rewriting Federation history. Can our lower decks ...
Voyager, once the black sheep of the franchise, has completely turned the tables, stunning us with its unexpected streaming ...
Since its debut in 1966, Star Trek has given pop culture some of the greatest aliens of all time. Vulcans, Klingons, and the ...
To borrow a phrase from another controversial series, it’s been a long road for Star Trek: Discovery. Discovery was developed ...
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) remains an elusive goal for even the most advanced AI companies, with five major ...
Type the following commands into SSH, line by line to install the newest version. cd /var/www/html/admin/style/themes/ sudo git clone ...
The Star Trek franchise is losing its way in the blockbuster arms race and Chris Pine thinks they should be focusing on their ...