The Dow Jones Industrial Average edged down 0.75%, or 337 points, to 44,544, but recorded weekly and monthly gains of 0.25% and 4.7%, respectively. The S&P 500 Index eased 0.5%, or 30 points, to 6,040 ...
Major U.S. stock indexes ended down Friday, after the market appeared startled by confirmation by the White House that President Donald Trump planned to implement new tariffs on Canada, Mexico and ...
Yields on U.S. government debt closed at their highest levels in a week on Friday after a spokeswoman for President Donald Trump confirmed that U.S. tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China will arrive ...
Markets slipped Friday as President Trump prepares to implement steep import taxes on top U.S. trading partners Saturday. The S&P 500 closed 0.5 percent below open, and the Dow Jones ...
President Donald Trump has ordered tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China starting Saturday, but the country’s North American neighbors will be taxed at a significantly higher rate than its East Asian ...