In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Response Team will convene to evaluate and respond to the situation. The ERT is led by the ERT commander, who is responsible for the oversight and ...
MEMA supports the training and exercise of several types of Emergency Management Response Teams (EMRTs). In larger towns, these teams may be entirely from one department, but far more common are the ...
The Emergency Response Framework (ERF) is developed and maintained by two teams comprised of members from diverse fields and departments ... Members include: The Emergency Planning Group is the ...
The Emergency Management Team (EMT) is responsible for overall coordination of the university's emergency preparedness efforts. The members of the team are: [[vmambl, Virginia Ambler]], Co-Chair, ...
In many Maine communities and counties, emergency management is supported by volunteer teams that have received special training to support first responders and perform important response functions.
The EOC manages the broader operational repercussions or cascading events of an emergency, allowing the ICP to concentrate on the tactical response to control and contain the incident. EOC activation; ...
Members of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Core Team are comprised of leaders from university departments or their designees who make strategic coordination/ decisions necessary to support the ...