As well as posing environmental and economic threats, fire ants can be deadly to humans and animals. Source: AAP / SUPPLIED/PR IMAGE 根据非政府组织入侵物种委员会(the Invasive ...
The nests were destroyed using a liquid insecticide that day and state government biosecurity and fire ant officers launched immediate broadscale treatment and surveillance. A National Fire Ant ...
Fire ant mapping of the Gold Coast in mid-2023 ... and tenants co-operating with officers to ensure fast and effective treatment. “Our eradication officers work diligently with property ...
Fire ants are known to infest more than 800,000 ... to follow up and investigate what may have gone wrong," he said. "The treatment is supposed to repel the ants, so something has happened.
Fire ants are forming rafts to travel on flood waters across storm-ravaged Australia, aiding the spread of one of the world's most invasive species. Considered a super pest, fire ants can cause ...