(新山15日讯)58岁土地测量员因相信短期可获50%回报的投资计划,先后多次转账到指定的银行户头,结果分文未获,才惊觉被骗。新山南区警区主任拉勿披露,受害者是一名测量师,去年9月底浏览面子书时,被平台推送一则声称短时间可获50%回报的投资广告所吸引, ...
Google has offered its own recommendations to the US government for the Trump administration's AI Action Plan.
The electric crossover (based on last year’s concept) will be the first built on BMW’s Neue Klasse EV platform, which ...
A man who might've been the last person to see a missing University of Pittsburgh student in the Dominican Republic said he ...
Video showed people standing on a wing of the aircraft, which was evacuated using the slides. Twelve people were taken to ...
Google's AI chatbot Gemini will replace Google Assistant on most mobile devices in 2025, as well as tablets, cars, and more ...
Did you miss last night's blood moon lunar eclipse or just want to relive it? These photos captured the celestial event ...
Google has acknowledged an issue with older Chromecast devices. If you're experiencing a problem, it recommends you not ...
Google introduced us to one of its most powerful and influential products, Google Assistant. It was one of the earlier signs ...
In response to the US AI Action Plan, OpenAI wants strict controls and copyright restrictions. Google is calling for ...
Apple's wireless earphones are set to receive a translation function in the course of 2025. This could play back ...
Android users may soon find it easier to sideload apps. Google recently updated the Play Store, introducing an option to ...