Phones are so expensive, and with new mobile contract prices increasing, it is now cheaper to buy a handset outright than to ...
The Pixel 9 phones have some severe GPS issues. This issue might have been buried and over with, but a user reached out to ...
今年早些时候,Google意外发布了 Pixel 4a 智能手机的固件更新。 许多用户报告称,该更新使他们的设备变得不可靠甚至无法使用,导致他们质疑该更新是否真的有必要。 现在,一个澳大利亚组织揭示了更新背后的真正原因。Google在今年 1 月推出了一项所谓的"电池性能计划",称部分 Pixel 4a 手机需要新的电池管理功能来防止性能下降。 该公司警告用户,更新可能会降低某些设备的电池容量,并 ...
G oogle drops updates for its own Pixel phones, which are referred to as “Pixel Feature Drops,” and offers some new features ...
Google is recalling its Pixel 4a smartphone in Australia after an update that it pushed out in January significantly degraded ...
Dr. Niki updates us on the latest plus, why the new Siri is delayed, and the Pixel 4a got the battery-killing update.