And it carries more than a whiff of communism. To conduct your life with the state’s interest in mind is to snuff out what makes you human — and what makes America so great. We are not drones ...
and Francis — A Story of Western Cultural Incoherence Make Birds Great Again The Media’s Nazi Moral Panic Awakens from Hibernation It is widely believed on the left that the anti-Communist ...
A post shared on X claims that former Communist Party member and Catholic convert Bella Dodd said that 1,100 communists became Catholic priests. Dodd said that she never met a communist priest in ...
In 1959, in Romania, six former members of the nomenklatura and the secret police organize a hold up of the National Bank. After their arrest, the state forces them to play themselves in a film ...
During the Great Depression, the spread of communist ideas in Canada represented damnation to some Canadians and salvation to others. The Canadian government found communist supporters convenient ...