Tanycytes, which are specialized glial cells found in the hypothalamus, and ependymal cells near the hypothalamus exhibited marked age-related gene expression changes, with increased immune ...
This important study identifies species- and sex-specific neuronal cell types and gene expression in the preoptic area (POA) to help understand the evolutionary divergence of social behaviors. The ...
Cell types such as tanycytes, ependymal cells ... The cellular changes observed in the hypothalamus show how environmental and nutritional inputs may accelerate brain ageing.
Central hypothyroidism is a rare disorder that occurs when an otherwise healthy thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones due to problems that originate in the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, or both ...
以往研究发现,PCP 大多由下丘脑正中隆起处携带 BRAF V600E 突变的 Rax + tanycytes 形成,然而约 10% 的 PCP 却缺失 BRAF V600E 突变。虽然 BRAF V600E 抑制剂在部分 PCP 治疗中取得了成功,但对于 BRAF V600E?的 PCP,其治疗方案却一直是医学领域的空白,这就像在黑暗中摸索 ...