Figure 3. Main blood supply of the patella. SG = supreme genicular artery; MSG = medial superior genicular artery; MIG = medial inferior genicular artery; LSG = lateral superior genicular artery ...
The most common sites of osteochondrosis associated with anterior knee pain occur at secondary centers including the tibial tubercle (Osgood-Schlatter disease) and/or the inferior patellar pole ...
underwent independent clinical and ultrasonographic examination of both lower limbs at five entheseal sites—superior pole and inferior pole of patella, tibial tuberosity, Achilles tendon, and plantar ...
The origin of the rectus femoris is the anterior inferior iliac spine, and the vastus muscles originate from the femoral shaft. The quadriceps tendon inserts on the superior pole of the patella and ...
A correlation (p<0.05) between osteophytes at the inferior pole of the patella and knee pain was found. CONCLUSIONS Osteophytes at the PFJ are associated with MR detected cartilage defects in the same ...