NARITA, Chiba Prefecture--Kabosu, the 18-year-old Shiba Inu dog who became an internet sensation and the face of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, died peacefully at her home in Sakura, Chiba Prefecture.
ZAKER 科技 5 月 24 日消息,全球知名、被十几亿人熟知的经典表情包“神烦狗 Doge ”原型,柴犬 Kabosu 于日本时间 7 时 50 分离世,Kabosu 的主人佐藤敦 ...
Atsuko Sato received many letters from Kabosu fans across Japan on the dog's birthday last November, six months after her death.
The dog that skyrocketed to internet fame and became the face of the cryptocurrency dogecoin has died. The Shiba Inu named ...
Doge 表情包原型柴犬“ Kabosu ”于 5 月 24 日上午去世,犬生 18 岁。此前 Kabosu 就被诊断出了白血病和肝病。主人佐藤在爱宠离世后表示,Kabosu 是世界 ...
The Shiba Inu 'Doge', which is also used as a net meme in the design of the virtual currency ' Dogecoin ', originally gained popularity due to a photo of the Shiba Inu 'Kabosu' posted on a blog.
Silly, sarcastic messages written in Comic Sans font will typically accompany the meme. The original photos came from Japanese teacher Atsuko Sato, who posted the photos of her rescue-adopted dog ...
Kabosu had been nicknamed “Doge,” a play on the word “dog,” and clothes and purses using her image were being sold around the world. “Dogecoin,” a cryptocurrency featuring her image as ...
Sakura, Chiba Pref., Feb. 18 (Jiji Press)--Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog known as the logo model for a cryptocurrency, remains hugely popular even after her death last May, with fan letters flooding ...
The original photos came from Japanese teacher Atsuko Sato, who posted the photos of her rescue-adopted dog Kabosu to her blog. The first use of the meme is unknown; however, it became popular ...