The Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department announced Wednesday that registration for preschool programs, which begin in September, opens soon.
The Beal Slough Disc Golf Course near 60th Street and Pine Lake Road was ranked No. 70 in UDisc’s annual World’s Best Disc ...
(KLKN) – Registration opens next month for preschool programs provided by Lincoln Parks and Recreation, the city announced Wednesday. Families can begin registering online at 9 a.m. on March 3.
The Lincoln Heights community kicked off their boycott with a clean up and BBQ event at the former Lincoln Heights Elementary School. Organizers say while they aren’t spending money in Evendale, they ...
LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and city officials discussed preparations for a predicted storm during a press conference on Tuesday. A Winter Weather Advisory is in ...
Politicians, church leaders and activists gathered at Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church on Monday with the same question they've been asking for weeks: Could law enforcement done a better ...
Competitive races for mayor in South Glens Falls, Victory, Tannersville and Hoosick Falls, as well as contested trustee races ...
The redesigned green space at Denver’s La Alma-Lincoln Park will include a new walking loop, expanded skate and playground ...
As far as city Parks and Recreation Director Maggie Stuckey-Ross knows, the department still has a $140,000 grant through former President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act for tree plantings ...
Lincoln Public Schools and many other school districts canceled classes Wednesday after the city was hit with blizzard conditions overnight.