The map below shows the location of Mecca and Medina. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
I’m on a high-speed train. Forty years ago, such a statement would have been notable and specific: essentially, it meant you ...
For centuries, this Central European city has been a hop head mecca. Which pints should you prioritize? We’ve rounded up 5 ...
Take a trip back to Dollywood's beginning in 1986 with this video of scenes from TV commercials for the Pigeon Forge theme park.
O’Braidaigh, who fought Gabriel Dossen in the Elites two years ago and is Irish managed, has fought at the Garden before. Indeed, his greatest amateur nights played out at the Mecca of boxing, not ...
Over half of the roughly 1 million Druze worldwide live in Syria. Most other Druze live in Lebanon and Israel and the Golan ...
The Assam police have busted a human-trafficking racket, rescuing two girls from the state who were trafficked and sold in Rajasthan. The police said the girls were taken to Rajasthan, where they ...