The aim of this clinical practice review is to illustrate how monitoring respiratory signals can improve manikin-based training and respiratory support during neonatal resuscitation. Over 6 ...
Conclusions There is little literature regarding accuracy of documentation during neonatal resuscitation, but current quality of documentation seems to be unsatisfactory. There is a need for consensus ...
Huff, RN, BSN; Mahala Saunders, MSN, ARNP Adding to the complexity of decisions regarding resuscitation is the ... best interest of the infant. The NRP guidelines state that, in situations where ...
Low-birth-weight (LBW) premature infants are born without the adaptive mechanisms needed for survival outside of the womb. These fragile infants require thermoprotective interventions that begin ...
with a focus on newborn resuscitation and postpartum bleeding. The integration of training and clinical care, innovative tools, data collection, and feedback systems facilitated continuous quality ...
A medical educator and resuscitation skills trainer, Dr Femi Ogunremi, says his company has begun to train students across the country on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) skills. Ogunremi made this ...
Audit of Neonatal Deaths According to the Three Delays Model in a Referral Hospital. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 15, 189-197.
Around 20% of newborns with neonatal seizures will later develop epilepsy by age one, according to a study by Copenhagen University Hospital. Key risk factors include stroke, birth defects ...
Twenty doctors, midwives, and nurses are at risk of facing trial for manslaughter. The request for indictment comes from the ...